UCSD Family Communication Essay
I’m working on a communications multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
my topic is Family communication
You are also encouraged to further research topic and use textbook as your guide. Remember: When citing a source that is not your own, indicate where you found the information using MLA style. The OWL of Purdue (Links to an external site.) is a good resource for using MLA style. This needs to be 200 words minimum.
- State your choice for topic of group presentation.
- Explain why this topic is important for close relationships. Take into consideration the types of interpersonal relationships such as friendship, family, romantic, and workplace. For example, listening skills in families help to reduce conflict and manage conflict better. See also the the Group Presentation assignment that gives the example of poor listening habits for married couples.
- What is one identified challenge within your topic. For example, what problem can be identified in family communication? See example in the assignment description about listening. What can be done to resolve this problem? Use your research and/or textbook for possible solution.