ART 104 Southwestern College Art as Social Practice Discussion
Write one-page paper. Research and summarize an example of Art as Social Practice.
Instructions for Assignment
Use Google to research ideas behind the concept of Social Art Practice, Art as Participation. Find an example of a piece of that sort done by an artist within the last 10 years. Pick one that has good documentation and possibly brings up questions that you might have had sometime in your daily life. In other words, find a personal connection to the art.
Write a one-page Summation of the your chosen art activity. Summarize who the artist was. Why the artist made the piece. Research the CONTEXT of the message, or where the piece was performed and why. Try to explain what idea the artist was trying to portray. Use description, names. Try to form your opinion of its level of effectiveness. In this summation, it is very important that you demonstrate an understanding of how “civic disobedience“ can be seen as Art. Almost all contemporary art does this in some manner. It asks the participation of the viewer and counts his/her thoughts or reactions as part of the pieces’ meaning and value.
Write with full thoughts, in clear sentences rather than phrases or keywords. Spell check.
Turn in your paper here in this discussion as a PDF. Include at least one documentation photo as a second page in your PDF.