University of Wiscosin Pluralist Theories Questionnaire
I’m working on a Writing question and need guidance to help me study.
1.Government is the means by which a society organizes itself and politics determines who gets what and how. Examine the government of the United States of America. What type of government system exists in America? Support your answer by providing evidence of why and/or where in America it exists.
2.Political theorists argue that American government can be classified as elitist or pluralist. Explain the differences between the two theories and defend which theory you align with and why. Does the tradeoff perspective foster democracy? Why or why not? Support your answer by using real examples in American government.
3.Democracy relies on citizen engagement to meet the needs of society and to accomplish collective goals. The less citizen engagement there is, the more disconnected the goals are from the people. Consider your own engagement in government: are you engaged? If so, how? If not, why not? Are your needs met? Does the government aim to accomplish goals that will serve you and your community? Do you think your engagement can make a difference? Explain.