EHR Patients Healthcare Experiences and Records Discussion
Do this 2 assignments:
Assigment#1(Do a discussion question):
If the eventual goal of EHRs is to have all of a patient’s healthcare experiences and records available through a single system (real-time records from all providers and organizations), then how should the cost of such a system be covered? What parties are responsible for what costs? If the federal or state government is mandating (or incentivizing) this connectivity and standardization, then should the system be government funded, or should private sector competitors bid to provide the infrastructure and charge for the service, based on market factors? Post your answer with at least 200 words. Reply to at least one other student.
Assigment#2(Future Directions of EHRs)
Class Assignment: Envision a time in the future when patients’ healthcare will be guided by their personal genetic profile (their human genome).
1. What will the future be like?
2. What will it look like?
I encourage you to go beyond what you think is realistic and imagine the most extreme or seemingly exaggerated possibilities.
Discuss how advances in genetic testing and profiling will play a major role in shaping how technology is used as a healthcare tool in the future.
This will be graded as a Discussion Forum without the student reply.
300 words. No APA Format.