Computer Science Homework Help

GGUSF Issues of Automation in Healthcare Insurance Presentation


Prepare and submit a presentation of your topic and review of literature relevant to your topic.Develop a draft of Chapter 2 where you clearly provide a well developed introduction and other sections relevant to your topic. This should be your first complete draft of Chapter Two. In a minimum 10 pages, 30 references

Before submitting, you should carefully review Chapter 2 and check the following:

  • Use Grammarly in Microsoft Word to review your assignment before submitting. Grammarly may show areas that you do not think need to be changed. If so, you should use the “trash” feature in Grammarly to remove each area that you do not think need to be addressed.
  • Review all of your references. Are all references in APA format? Do all in-text citations have an associated reference in the reference list? Do you have references in the reference list that are not cited in the chapters?
  • Did you follow the UC APA dissertation template?

Note: You will need to continually review and update Chapter Two as you work on other areas of the dissertation. Chapters are not complete and final until approved by your committee and you successfully defend.develop an introduction to your Chapter 2 where you clearly explain the overall research topic, literature gathering process, and the scope and organization of the literature review. The introduction should conclude with a paragraph that describes the sequence of the literature you will include and the literature analysis process. After the introduction, you should incorporate possible headings/subheadings that you plan to cover and include at least 30 scholarly references.

Topic – Exploring issues of automation in Healthcare Insurance and how it impacts quality of Healthcare

Background – Problem, Gaps – Too much automation, No human interaction, loss of emotions & helplessness, No options for resolutions, increase in customer complaints and customer satisfaction, higher resolution time.

Significance of the Project Research Questions – What will the paper address – Gaps and what categories should be automated and what shouldn’t be automated?

Theoretical Framework –

Chapter 2 attached Chapter Two (Review of Literature) (DSRT 736)

Subsections based on a deductive approach Summary

Note, this is health care insurance, so it will be more backend related automation rather front end. Also can you ensure that we have balance of at least 3 to 4 cons and pros for automation and why they should reduce automation.

Finally, focus on quantitative research, what are the variables you will be measuring based on yoyr theory/model?