INT 304 Ashford University Design and Development of Sitemap and Home Page Essay
Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review the Website Design and Development Paper in Week 5, the Week 1 readings in the Web Programming text, and the Developing a Website and The Great Levelling videos. After reviewing the Website Design and Development Paper, design your website sitemap for the pages that will make up your website. You will also create a mockup of your home page.
Your homepage will consist of the following:
- A logo that is left-aligned.
- A horizontal navigation that includes the five website pages.
- A header that displays the pet store’s name that is beside the logo.
- A royalty-free stock image (free) located in the center that expresses the theme of the website.
- A footer that contains a copyright symbol and the current year and your name located at the bottom of the web page.
You can use, Word, or PowerPoint to create your sitemap and home page mockup. Take screenshots of your home page and Site Map mockups and add them to an Appendix section of your paper.
In your reflective paper,
- Explain your thought process for creating your website sitemap and home page design.
- Discuss any problems you encountered.
- Discuss what you learned about creating a sitemap and homepage.
- Include your sitemap in a hierarchical form that contains the four web pages for the website as a screenshot as a separate appendix section.
- Include a screenshot of the homepage as a separate appendix section.