Rasmussen College Body Mass Index Calculator Java Program
I don’t understand this Java question and need help to study.
You are working as a software developer for a large insurance company. Your company is planning to migrate the existing systems from Visual Basic to Java and this will require new calculations. You will be creating a program that calculates the insurance payment category based on the BMI score.
Your Java program should perform the following things:
- Take the input from the user about the patient name, weight, birthdate, and height.
- Calculate Body Mass Index.
- Display person name and BMI Category.
- If the BMI Score is less than 18.5, then underweight.
- If the BMI Score is between 18.5-24.9, then Normal.
- If the BMI score is between 25 to 29.9, then Overweight.
- If the BMI score is greater than 29.9, then Obesity.
- Calculate Insurance Payment Category based on BMI Category.
- If underweight, then insurance payment category is low.
- If Normal weight, then insurance payment category is low.
- If Overweight, then insurance payment category is high.
- If Obesity, then insurance payment category is highest.
You need to display the patient name, BMI Category and Insurance Payment Category.