Writing Homework Help

Indiana University Bloomington Zimbardo Prison Study Discussion


Research is an integral component of psychology and many examples of research are presented throughout this course and in the textbook. This assignment will help you understand the research process and how to critically think about research design and results. A variety of classic studies in social psychology have been presented and discussed during this class. Despite conclusions of far-reaching impact and better understanding of human behavior, these studies have presented ethical concerns and consequences.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Select one of the classic studies discussed in class and respond to the required elements. Zimbardo Prison Study
  • Prepare an essay (3-5 pages) using APA style, including in-text citations and reference page.
  • Include a minimum of 3 credible sources.

Statement of the problem: The student will select and summarize one of the studies discussed in class and respond to the following:

  • Summary of the study (purpose, research design, analysis of data, findings, and conclusions)
  • What problems resulted from the study selected? Were people harmed?
  • What were the ethical concerns and consequences associated with the study?

Evidence: The student will utilize a minimum of three (3) sources to address the outcomes and consequences of the study. The essay will be prepared in APA format including in-text citations and a reference page.

Influence of Contexts and Assumptions: Following a thorough and in-depth review of the study selected, the student will explain the study from different perspectives.

  • Why was the problem behavior studied?
  • Why did the researchers study the behavior through a formal research process?
  • Based on the period of time, what were the historical and political influences on the study?

Student’s Position: Evaluate the information you’ve described and form personal conclusions. Support your responses with evidence.

  • Based on your research, what were the most beneficial outcomes associated with the selected study?
  • Based on your research, what were the most serious consequences associated with the selected study?
  • Do you think the study was important for society and should have been conducted? Why or why not?

Conclusions and Related Outcomes: Expand beyond your personal conclusions and further evaluate the information.

  • What are the current and future implications (economic, political, social, familial, educational) of this study for society today?
  • Should this study be replicated in a different format? Why or why not?

Ethical Considerations: Psychologists often encounter ethical issues/concerns when addressing human problems and conducting research. Using the 8 key ethical questions as presented by James Madison University (fairness, outcomes, responsibility, character, liberty, empathy, authority, and rights) analyze the ethical issues that resulted from the selected study. Select at least 3 of the most appropriate questions and explain how each applies to the selected study.

  • Fairness – How can I act equitably and balance legitimate interests?
  • Outcomes – What achieves the best short- and long-term outcomes for me and all others?
  • Responsibilities – What duties and/or obligations apply?
  • Character – What action best reflects who I am and the person I want to become?
  • Liberty – How does respect for freedom, personal autonomy, or consent apply?
  • Empathy – What would I do if I cared deeply about those involved?
  • Authority – What do legitimate authorities (e.g. experts, law, my religion/god) expect of me?
  • Rights – What rights (e.g. innate, legal, social) apply?

I need this done by tomorrow at noon