CJ 105 Umpqua Community College Habeas Corpus The Guantanamo Cases Study
I’m working on a law project and need support to help me learn.
Watch the following video entitled “Habeas Corpus: The Guantanamo Cases. Write a brief 2-3 page paper on what you think of the issues addressed in the video. Some questions to consider are:
1. Is the President overreaching his authority when he takes unilateral action by using executive orders?
2. Should terrorists who are arrested abroad be afforded the protections of our constitution?
3. To what extent should individual rights be denied for national security? How much freedom are you willing to lose or allow others to lose? How much control of your life do you want the government to have?
4. When a government threatens the rights of the people, how can the problem be fixed?
5. If you were the responsible person in charge and had to choose between a necessary war
measure and obeying the Constitution, which would you choose?
6. Explain how the events of 9/11 affected the civil liberties of Americans. Identify restrictions that
affect your life.
7. If the president chooses to ignore decisions made by the Supreme Court, what option is left to
check the power of the executive?
8. Should enemies of the U.S with allegiances to foreign nations be given the same constitutional rights that you have as a citizen living in the U.S.?