Writing Homework Help

Grossmont College Food Insecurity Problem for College Students in USA Essay


Topic Choices

Choose one of the following topics:

  • the food waste problem at restaurants (or at a specific restaurant where you have worked)
  • the food waste problem at stores (or at a specific store where you have worked)
  • the food waste problem in consumer’s homes
  • the food insecurity problem for college students in the USA
  • the food desert problem in the USA (or in your neighborhood, city or hometown)


  • In your essay, develop a plan for solving the food problem that you are writing about.
  • Use a variety of rhetorical strategies that you have learned this semester to convince your audience to adopt your solutions.
  • I encourage you to include some of your own creative solutions. I’m not looking for a “right” solution; there are many ways to solve these problems, so I encourage you to share your own unique ideas.
  • You may also add personal observations and even compelling personal experiences to convince readers.
  • Incorporate at least 5 sources into your essay. These are the required sources:
  • You may also incorporate information from the videos we watched in class. The videos are posted under 10.4, 11.5 and 12.5.
  • Organize your essay in a way that is easy for the reader to follow.
  • Use transitions to help the reader follow your ideas, and smoothly incorporate quotations from the articles.
  • Use in-text citations after any quoted or summarized material from your research.
  • On a separate sheet of paper include a Works Cited page at the end of your essay that lists all of the sources you cited.
  • Type your essay, and use MLA format: 12-point font, Times New Roman font style, double-spacing, and one-inch margins.
  • Proofread your essay for grammar and punctuation errors.

Guide for Structuring Essay 3

Paragraph 1: Brief Introduction

  • Use a hook at the beginning of your introduction to grab your audience’s attention.
  • Identify the problem that you are writing about.
  • State your thesis (your ideas for how this problem should be solved).

Paragraph 2: Overview of the Problem

  • Include one paragraph where you give an overview of the problem in order to convince your audience that this problem is worth caring about.
    • Explain some negative consequences this problem creates in society that you’ve experienced or observed yourself, read about in your research or in the articles from class, and/or seen in the videos you have watched in our class.

Paragraphs 3, 4, 5 & 6: Explanation of the Solutions

  • Include at least four paragraphs in which you explain your solutions to the problem you are writing about.
  • Here are some ideas for how to develop each body paragraph:
    • Identify in your topic sentence one of your solutions from your thesis.
    • Explain why this solution is needed.
    • Describe the solution.
    • Explain how this solution could improve the situation.

Optional Counterargument Paragraph

  • You could also add a counterargument paragraph in place of paragraph 3, 4, 5 or 6 and use the “refuting the opponent” rhetorical strategy.
    • First explain the opposing view (the counter argument).
    • Then “refute the opponent” and explain why the opposing argument is flawed, unfair, weak, or misguided.

Paragraph 7: Conclusion

  • In your conclusion, you could summarize your most important points that you want your audience to remember.
  • You could make a prediction about what might reasonably happen if your audience does not adopt your solutions.
  • You could end your conclusion with something very powerful, something you really want to stick in your audience’s mind.

Works Cited

  • On a separate page at the end of your essay, create your Works Cited and list in alphabetical order all of the sources you quoted and summarized in your essay.