ASU Tailoring Lesson Plans for Students Knowledge on Lobsters Discussion
You will critique and strengthen a lesson plan that you have already developed, an
existing lesson plan that someone shared with you, or one that you obtained from a
website or other source. You should submit the lesson plan along with your critique.
For this assignment, you will critique the lesson plan of your choice and
submit a reflection on your critique.
Your reflection and critique should include:
1. Your next steps for strengthening the lesson plan to include the 3
principles of UDL
? Representation: Include how you will present and adapt
instruction and materials to provide access for ALL students.
? Engagement: Include how you will adapt or present materials
to engage ALL students
? Representation: Include how you will adapt your assessments to
be authentic and allow ALL students to show you what they
know and are able to do.
2. Your next steps for differentiating instruction for 2 focus students based
on their learning profile. (Remember, UDL includes embedding the 3
principles of UDL into lesson design before we know students, whereas,
lessons are differentiated based on student data)
? You will develop a learner profile for 2 focus students who
present with a disability. Include the following in your focus
students’ learner profile:
? Disability type and how it presents for this student
? Age
? Student Strengths
? Student Challenges
? Students interest
? You will include student specific recommendations for
accommodations and/or modifications for each of your
focus students that support them to access the curriculum,
increase engagement and allow them to demonstrate their
understanding. You should include the type of
materials/strategies that should be adapted to support
their success with this lesson.
3. Included a brief reflection describing your thoughts about
this assignment
? Was it helpful to critique and strengthen an existing lesson plan?
? How comfortable were you providing suggestions around
universally designing the lesson and adapting materials to
support UDL.?
? Was it helpful to consider the type of accommodations and/or
modifications that needed to be put in place to support both focus
students? What came easy when differentiating based on your
focus students’ learning profile? What was challenging?