HS 320 PG Unit 8 Nosocomial Infection Discussion
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for response 1?Becca’s Discussion? Rebecca Richardson posted Nov 11, 2021 7:23 PMSubscribePrevious Next This page automatically marks posts as read as you scroll.Adjust automatic marking as read settingAccording to Sikora and Zahra, nosocomial infections are referred to as healthcare-associated infections. People acquire these infections during the process of receiving health care. The infection happens when a pathogen spreads to a susceptible patient host. It can happen during invasive procedures or surgery. Infections may also be present in medical and prosthetic equipment (Sikora & Zahra, 2021). This is a serious health threat because people go to the hospital to get better, not worse. It is unfortunate that people get nosocomial infections.There are methods used to break the chain of disease transmission. According to Infection Prevention and You, people should wash their hands frequently, especially healthcare workers. People can also use their hands to cover their coughs and sneezes. People should stay home if they are sick (Infection Prevention and You, n.d.).I think during the Spring and Fall, hospitals should open their windows. That would let a lot of germs escape. The windows don’t have to stay open for days and days. Just occasionally open the window for a couple hours. And like Professor Moench mentioned during seminar, modern ventilation systems throughout facilities would be helpful too. ?Class, whenever I have to sneeze, I do not cover my face. I don’t want to get sneeze goo all over my hands. So, I always just sneeze into the floor or ground, so nothing gets on my hands. I don’t work in a healthcare facility, but if I did, I would be more respectful with my sneeze habits. What about you all? Thanks!-BeccaReferencesInfection Prevention and You. (n.d.). Break the chain of infection. Retrieved from https://infectionpreventionandyou.org/protect-your-patients/break-the-chain-of-infection/Sikora, A., & Zahra, F. (2021). Nosocomial infections. StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559312/