Indiana University Climate Change Discussion
we saw in class, there is no uncertainty anymore about whether the
Earth is warming or whether this is caused by human activity. The
uncertainty about climate change comes from the fact that present day
and near future CO2 concentrations had never been experienced
since long before the dawn of humanity. We are about to be thrown into
an environment where no human had ever been before. The uncertainty is
about how high the temperatures will eventually increase, how fast this
will be happening and how dire the environmental consequences will be.
Similarly, scientists can predict the path and force of a hurricane
approximately, though not exactly, leaving a “cone of uncertainty”. But
simply denying that a hurricane is approaching or downplaying the need
to seek shelter would be anti-science.
Can we predict exactly when the last glacier in Glacier National Park
will have finished melting? No, of course not, we can only observe that
substantial melting has already occurred, measure how fast this has
happened, and predict within a statistical confidence interval how many
more years it will take before the last glacier disappears. We can also
predict how this will affect the flora and fauna in the surrounding
area. Early predictions may turn out to be off by a number of years. As
data accumulates and better models are built to simulate possible
futures, the predictions get refined. This is how science works.
Read the following news items:
I am asking you to think critically about the issue of climate change
and to engage in a discussion with acquaintances and other students on
this topic. Superficial comments that show no attempt at critical
thinking are not acceptable, at least if you claim to be at university
to learn anything. To help you get started, evaluate critically the
following statement: “Admitting or not the reality of climate change
is not a “difference of opinion.” It’s a matter of science vs those who
reject science.” Then make as many persuasive arguments as you can
about the issue of climate change and challenge any unfounded
statements you have come across.