Minnesota State University Ethical Theory in My Sister Keeper Film Questions
- 1) Identify the important details of Divine Command Theory and describe one example in which DivineCommand Theory could be applied in the video My Sister’s Keeper (2009).
- 2) Identify the important details of Virtue Ethics and describe one example in which Virtue Ethics could beapplied in the video My Sister’s Keeper (2009).
- 3) Define at least seven (7) characters (or actors as defined in class) which are placed into an ethical dilemmain the video My Sister’s Keeper (2009). Describe their ethical dilemma.
- 4) Pick any three (3) characters from your answer in 3) above and recommend an ethical action theycould/should have taken. Justify that your recommended action is ethical using any ethical theory.
- 5) In your opinion, is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) ethical? Justify your claim using any ethical theory.