INTL 190 UCSD Teaching LGBTQ History in Elementary and High School PPT
1)Detail your name and research question (one slide)
2)Discuss what motivated you to research this question (i.e., What piqued your curiosity about the questions?) (one slide)
3)Brief discussion of the relevant literature on your topic (one slide)(i.e., How have others answered your question?)
4)Identify your thesis and what type of analysis you did to investigate your thesis (one to two slides)(i.e., What are you arguing? How are you testing your argument?)
5)State your conclusion (one to two slides)(i.e., What did you find? And it is OK for your thesis to be “disproved”. Do not feel like can only submit a paper that supports your thesis)
6)Record a short spiel (no more than five minutes) to narrate your presentation. Note: this can be done via Zoom, Kaltura, the record feature in PowerPoint, etc.