FC Factors that Affect Change in Healthcare Complex System Discussion
I’m working on a nursing question and need support to help me learn.
Explain why making changes in patient safety is difficult in healthcare’s complex system.
And this ?
Top seven barriers to implementing patient safety system
- Competing priorities for scarce resources in a system where patient safety is not considered a top priority.
- Lack of resources: inadequate staffing and work overloads.
- Availability and cost of patient safety technology.
- Resistance to change (the assumption that providers are already providing safe care).
- Culture of blame (current healthcare culture is punitive in nature).
- Lack of senior leadership understanding of and involvement with patient safety issues.
- Culture of healthcare workforce perceptions, attitudes and behaviors of error “cover up”.
Source: Barriers to implementation of patient safety systems in healthcare institutions: leadership and policy implications. Akins RB, Cole BR. J Patient Saf. 2005;1:9-16.