UAGC Analysis of Pablo Picasso Analysis Presentation
PRESENTATIONS— Include short snippets of more than one and answer the below 6 qestions.
I’ll want a bit of paperwork on each presentation; you can use that to help give it some focus and detail.
These will be the standard questions; my answers are specific to an example I might use. You would likely have more discussion than I have here, but I wanted to give you an idea of the form.
1) What is the work and who created it?
2) What is their background? Are they part of a particular school or movement?
3) Who influenced them/him?
4) Who have they influenced?
5) What is significant or important about this work?
6) What are we listening/watching for?
Due to the size of the class and the possibility of technology turning on us. we may be doing presentations in any combination of these three methods:
1) Completely live, Zooming from one base to another for the supporting materials (videos, songs, power points, images, etc.)
2) Pre-sending the supporting materials by at least 48 hours prior to the class and then discussing the work in class. You might include some notes with those materials.
3) Completely online presentations. It need not be PowerPoint, but you would need a document covering the issues and information. ATTACHED IS A MOVIE PRESENTATION SAMPLE