Silicon Valley University Advantages and Disadvantages of Ecommerce Presentation
Please write 4 slides of PPT about Advantages and disadvantages of Ecommerce and also some conclusion about overall presentation.
When developing your Capstone Team PPT Presentations, please keep the 7 x 7 rule in mind: No more than 7 bullets to a slide and no more than 7 words to a bullet. The text on your PPT slides should be an outline only, not everything you are going to say in your presentation.
You do need to cite your references in proper APA style in your PPT either within the text on each slide, or in the Notes Pane on each slide. And you need to include a reference slide with all references formatted in proper APA format (in alphabetical order by authors last names, Hanging Indent applied, with all required information). Be sure to keep your references current (within the last ten years). These are presentations concerning technology, which changes almost before our eyes! Using references more than ten years old, will make your presentation very outdated.
Items most often missed in the PowerPoint presentation include the following
Summary or conclusion slide missing
Slides were not numbered
References were not included in APA format at the end of the presentation