Engineering Hookes Law Experiment to Find Spring Constant Lab Report
- Cover Page: includes Lab #1: Title, Course No: 300, Name & ID, and Submission Date
- Introduction: Objectives of the Project, Importance of the Project, Brief Methods/Approaches
- Lab Apparatus & Facilities and Lab Experimental Procedures:
- Summary of Obtained Data: may use Tables and/or Graphs
- Discussion on the Obtained Data
- Summary & Conclusion
- List of Citied References: Provide at least five (5) References.
Please use 8.5 x11” paper with a single line-spacing (Max.6 pages)
Note: Answer the practice problems and make a snapshot of your answers, convert to PDF, and submit together with your lab report.
I have attached the procedure of the lab and please include the equations and put data you think it’s good and works in the table and calculate them.