Turkish Paradigm Arab Socialism Arab Uprisings & Other Questions
Can you help me understand this Economics question?
- a) What is the “Turkish Paradigm” for development and industrialization under Ataturk? b) How did Arab socialism differ from the Turkish paradigm?
- What were the general characteristics of colonial economic management in MENA? In your answer also discuss the main economic goals of colonizing powers.
- a) What is generally understood by “second-generation reforms” (i.e. the Post-Washington Consensus/Augmented Washington Consensus)? b) What is the rationale for these reforms, and to what extent may these reforms remedy the shortcomings of the first-generation reforms? In your answer, compare and contrast the first generation reforms (i.e. original Washington consensus) with the second-generation reforms, and provide a critical analysis of both sets of reforms.
- Does culture influence economic development? Why/why not? Discuss.
- a) What are the possible causes of Arab uprisings? Discuss different views. b) In what ways the Sykes-Picot Agreement affected the evolution of Arab uprisings and the ensuing socio-political, economic and humanitarian crisis in MENA?