Boston University Social Workers Role in Substance Abuse Treatment Literature Review
For your Introduction and Literature Review assignment you
will (1) Describe in detail your area of research inquiry—that is, the nature
of the social problem or issue, (2) explain the importance of this area of
investigation for social work, particularly its relevance to urban social work
practice and/or your state, community, or agency and/or your motivation or
interest in this topic (use your reviewed literature to support your
statements), and (3) critically assess a minimum of 6 relevant empirical
articles’ research objectives, methods, and key findings. For this assignment you will conduct a literature search and write a literature review using Mugar Library resources. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR LITERATURE SEARCHES AND DOCUMENT THIS INFORMATION IN YOUR APPENDIX. Think of this as a “recipe”. If your section instructor was searching for literature in your area, how would they find the articles you found?
- Which databases or search engines did you use?
- What search terms did you use?
- How many articles were found for each search term?
- How did you arrive at selecting the 6 articles you chose for your literature review?
Your six articles should be the most recent literature (within 10 years). Additionally, your literature should be drawn from studies in the US. If you are using literature that is older literature or outside of the US, you must provide a rationale for the importance of this article and its contribution. Please use BU Library resources, through the Mugar Library website, to conduct your literature search. Do NOT enter your search terms in the first box that appears when you open the home page for Mugar. Instead, choose one or more SEARCH ENGINES that are appropriate for the social sciences (such as PsychInfo or Web of Science). Google is NOT an appropriate search engine to find empirical articles, although Google Scholar may be used.
Your literature review can be done in a couple of ways. You can look across all six articles and synthesize the information or you can discuss each article individually with a paragraph or two at the end to synthesize the main points. Below are some areas you may want to focus on and discuss in your literature review.
- What were the researchers studying?
- What question were they trying to answer?
- Who were they studying?
- Who were the participants
- From where was the sample drawn
- How were participants recruited
- What was being measured and what data were collected?
- How were data collected?
- Methods?
- Key findings?
- What methodological shortcomings do the authors identify as existing in the research?
- What are the gaps and limitations (think especially about gaps that your research might fill)
When synthesizing, think about what is known on this topic based on the articles you have reviewed. How might you sum this up in a few sentences and capture this?
The topic I am researching is ” barriers to substance treatment identified by substance abusers” special focus on Massachusetts and the impact this study in Massachusetts. The six articles to use are as follows;…
6 TO 7 pages with a reference and appendix page written in APA 7th edition format