PRM 1010 University of West Florida Communication and Stakeholder Management Project
Assignment Background and Description
To complete this assignment successfully, you will need to work as a group to provide some reflective feedback to
your professor about your experience with this course thus far. Consider this scenario. You have been identified as
the primary stakeholders in the delivery of this course. This is the first time this course is being delivered, as it is a
new course, and your feedback is essential in ensuring the course is meeting its requirements and student
expectations. As this is a group assignment, you will need to meet with the other members of your group and discuss
your experiences with the course thus far. Your discussions should focus around the questions listed below. Consider
this as an opportunity to influence future aspects of this course.
2. High-Level Requirements
What is working well?Create a list of things that you feel are working well. As a group, come to a consensus on the
top three, and list them. How can they be improved?
What is not working well? Create a list of things that you feel are not working well. As a group, come to a
consensus on the top items, and list them. What are your suggestions for improvement?
What would you like to see added? Create a list of things you would like to see added to the course. What is
missing that you feel would enhance your experience as a student?
Is this course meeting your expectations? If not, describe why?
Things to consider as you complete this assignment. As a stakeholder in the course, where would you put yourself on
the power/interest grid? Does participating in this activity change your position on the grid? How would you define
your attitude and what do you think the desired attitude should be? If your attitude isn’t at the desired state, what
strategies could the professor use to achieve the desired state?
3. Deliverables
A single MS Word document containing a “Title Page”, a “Table of Contents” generated by MS Word, and the
answers to the above questions