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Excelsior College Women in Business Final Project


Below are the instructions for each project option.

Option 1: “Successful female entrepreneurs tapping the female market”

A great example of women building successful entrepreneurial ventures that target the female market is that of the new category of entrepreneur referred to as “mompreneurs.” These are typically first-time or second-time mothers who have taken time off from regular jobs to care for their children, but they decide not to return to previous employers. Instead, after identifying a gap in the market that they themselves have experienced as consumers, they put together an entrepreneurial venture to address the gap without having to give up their role as stay-at-home moms.

For example, Karen Randall from Vancouver, Canada, was 34 years old when she took time off from work to care for her first child. With an avid interest in green products, she wanted to use cloth diapers as a way to avoid the environmental impact of the disposable alternative. She was frustrated at not being able to find information on how to be environmentally friendly when it came to diapering her daughter. Therefore, she decided to concentrate her energies on making this option easier for other mothers. From this interest emerged her company, New & Green Baby Co., in 2007. The idea was simple, environmentally focused, and produced phenomenal results.

A thoroughly researched and effective project on this topic would be a paper that summarizes the background information available on this female entrepreneur. Utilizing concepts from the course as well as external resources on entrepreneurship, discuss the selected entrepreneur with respect to possessing the right traits, as well as examine relevant factors that have led to her success.

Organize your paper into the following sections:

Title page

Table of Contents

Introduction (1–2 paragraphs in which you summarize the topic by identifying the entrepreneur you have selected, and describing the business venture)

  1. Background (summary of relevant biographical information that describes who the entrepreneur is and what life experiences led to her entrepreneurial venture)
  2. Analysis (based on material from the course and research on entrepreneurship, an analysis of the entrepreneur, discussing the traits and characteristics as well as contributing factors that have led to her success)
  3. Conclusion (1–2 paragraph review of your findings)
  4. References
  5. Option 2: “How to successfully tap the growing female market”
  6. According to Silverstein and Sayre (2009), one segment of the female market largely ignored but comprising 15% of the population is the “fulfilled empty-nester.” These are adult women ranging from their 40s through their 60s who may experience the struggle of adapting to a less chaotic home life once the children are grown and are on their own. The common issues for this market segment tend to be finding things to do with the increased personal time they once devoted to their children. Often, social engagements used to revolve around their children, so while they could maintain relationships with other parents that grew from volunteering or attending school events, these relationships can fizzle out over time when the common denominator for the friendship (children) is no longer there.
  7. While there are social networking sites that have been created as support groups for the fulfilled empty nesters, a unique approach to this market segment would be, for example, a social activities network that allows members to create a profile of interests and to keep active in a wide variety of adventures.

Typically, these women are concerned about their health and the wish to age gracefully. They also demonstrate a fondness for travel, exercise, and leisure. An adventure planner would bring interested members together for events ranging from spa days, movie nights, book signings, and coffee chats to concerts, museum tours, hiking trips, and cruises. The adventure planner takes the tension out of the equation by networking for the member to ensure a good fit among group members based on profiles and interests and by coordinating high-quality events at reasonable prices.

A thoroughly researched and effective project on this topic would be a paper that describes the idea and identifies the specific female market that would be targeted. Utilizing concepts from the course as well as outside resources related to entrepreneurship and the business idea, the paper would analyze the chances for this entrepreneurial venture’s success.

Organize your paper into the following sections:

Title page

Table of Contents

Introduction (1–2 paragraphs in which you summarize the topic by identifying the type of business idea you have selected and the relevant female market segment to be targeted)

Background (describing the idea, distinguishing it from any other related business ventures, and justifying the selection of the market segment that would be targeted)

Analysis (based on material from the course and research on entrepreneurship and on the idea, write an analysis of the chances a female entrepreneur would have to make this venture a success)