National University of Singapore The Union of Their Dreams Book Report
Book Report on• The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope, and Struggle in Cesar Chavez’s Farm Worker Movement by Miriam Pawel.
1. A concise summary of the author’s discussion and analysis, including the author’s thesis (i.e., what he or she wants the reader to believe once the reader has read his/her argument). Evaluation will be partly based on whether the student summarizes the entire work, not simply, for instance, the first part of the book;
2. An evaluation of the book’s argument, paying particular attention to the quality of his/her argument (i.e., is it convincing and why?), as well as assessing the organization and readability of the book.
answer the following three questions, being sure to include good examples to illustrate each answer:
1. Drawing on the book’s narrative, how did the United Farm Workers develop over time?
2. To what extent and how did the UFW empower farm workers?
3. How democratic was the UFW internally, and did this level of internal democracy in this one organization contribute to or undermine U.S. democracy?
Assessment will be based on 1) accuracy, 2) thoroughness (e.g., covering the entire work), 3) writing quality, 4) following instructions.