ASSIGN #3 Sci Theory, Geol Time-Scale, GC’s Stratigraphy
Make sure you already have your “GC Stratigraphy” Handout printed-out and properly labeled as per the directions given in the “Handouts” Folder of the WEEK #1 Module. (The “downloadable” files below incorrectly say from the WEEK #2 Module; but it was actually in the WEEK #1 Module.)
PART 1 (5 Points) Due Sunday Night @ 11:59pm – This assignment reviews some of the lecture material from the last week or two, especially focusing on the nature of valid Scientific Theory (including our example of the Geologic Time Scale as applied to the rock-units around Grossmont College; so you’ll probably be using your notes, including the Handout entitled “GC’s Stratigraphy” to complete ASSIGN #3).
Print-out this assignment (greyscale is fine), write your answers on it by hand, then scan it or photograph it with your SmartPhone. (OR: If you know how to seamlessly upload this into your own software and not do it by hand, then do that, OR: similarly upload it into your touch-screen tablet or iPad, or whatever…But whatever way, make sure to write your name in your own hand, even if you have to do so clumsily with your cursor.) Then, submit directly into the CANVAS Assignment #3 “Discussion Page” by clicking the “reply” arrow…the Rich Screen Editor box appears, and you can either cut-and-paste directly into it, or click the “paper clip” icon at the bottom-left to attach a file.
HERE’S A DOWNLOADABLE COPY of the assignment (in either “docx” or “pdf” format):
ASSIGN #3 – Sci Theory, Geol Time-Scale, GC’s Strat.docx Download ASSIGN #3 – Sci Theory, Geol Time-Scale, GC’s Strat.docx
ASSIGN #3 – Sci Theory, Geol Time-Scale, GC’s Strat.pdf Download ASSIGN #3 – Sci Theory, Geol Time-Scale, GC’s Strat.pdf
PART 2 – (5 Points) Due Tuesday Night @ 11:59pm (of Week #4) — assuming you’ve already submitted a post
Please provide a response to at least two fellow students that briefly evaluates their answers to the assigned questions (e.g., “your answers are fine” or “…are ambiguous” or “… make no sense” or “… could be improved by…” or “…are very insightful”) in the context of our lecture material.
If you tell someone with a poor answer that “good job” without helping them know that it’s poor, then you’ll be marked down. Likewise if you tell someone with a good answer “good job” without telling them why it’s good or why it helped you to better understand the concept, then you’ll be marked down. So as Babe Ruth would say, make sure to “give it the old college try!”…