Northern Virginia Community College Converting Access Jet Schemas to MySQL iTD256 Exercise
In this assignment, you will be creating the DDL SQL code (create database + create table statements) to re-create the Access schema (Jet DB engine, file-based) in your MySQL RDS instance.
This assignment is FOR A GRADE based on ACCURACY. I will not be able to give you hints or substantial help on this, so do your best and submit your code before the due date. The good news is that you can actually RUN your code to see if it works. If you don’t do that, then expect to lose points on syntax errors at minimum. Don’t just make this up…
- Download the following Access file (DO NOT USE ANY OTHER FILE): AnnandaleCupcakes_v03.accdb download
- Using the Access design view for the tables, go through every table and write the equivalent SQL DDL code to create that table in MySQL.
- You will need to choose the correct data types and constraints, since Access (Jet) data types are different from MySQL data types (e.g. there is no “Short Text” in MySQL, but varchar(50) would be an example equivalent). Below is a chart of equivalent data types. Also remember to use auto_increment and primary key constraints on the PK.
- You will need to choose the correct data types and constraints, since Access (Jet) data types are different from MySQL data types (e.g. there is no “Short Text” in MySQL, but varchar(50) would be an example equivalent). Below is a chart of equivalent data types. Also remember to use auto_increment and primary key constraints on the PK.
- SUBMISSION: Simply copy your SQL DDL code and paste it into the text-only submission box. DO NOT submit a screenshot of your code or schema.
- Make sure to actually RUN YOUR CODE in MySQL Workbench against your GCP MySQL instance TO ENSURE THAT IT WORKS.
- To get you started, below is the code to create the new database schema as well as the customer table. You must complete the code for the rest of the tables (customer_note, event, payment, product, sale, and sale_item).
create database annandale_cupcakes;
use annandale_cupcakes;
create table customer (
customer_id int primary key auto_increment,
first_name varchar(50),
last_name varchar(50),
phone_number varchar(20),
email varchar(30),
street varchar(100),
city varchar(50),
state varchar(25),
zip varchar(10),
notes varchar(255),
created_at datetime,
updated_at datetime