Los Angeles City College Sure Thing by David Ives Discussion
Welcome to Part 1 of the Drama Discussion! As a reminder, each discussion assignment will be worth 10 points. To receive all the points, you must provide well developed responses to each activity in the discussion. In each assignment, you will be required to answer 1-4 about one play. So, unlike the other units, the Drama Unit will have 1 activity per discussion, but each activity will consist of multiple discussion questions.
For the first Drama Discussion Assignment, you will be responding to 2 questions about Sure Thing by David Ives from the PowerPoint Lecture below. As noted in the lecture, Sure Thing is not in your books, so I have posted the link for the play on the modules page. Here is the link again, in case you can’t find it: http://blanckd.yolasite.com/resources/Sure%20Thing%20%28Ives%29.pdf (Links to an external site.) Please watch my 8-minute lecture on Drama , and then complete the activities in the PowerPoint simply by clicking the “reply” button in this post.
As a reminder, below are the 2 questions you must respond to in order to get full credit for this assignment.
1) After reading David Ives’ Sure Thing, please respond to the following questions:
- This play is often viewed as a satire about modern relationships. What or who is being satirized? Do you find the representations accurate?
- Select one scene from the play and discuss what goes wrong. Analyze particularly what is lacking in the interaction, who is to blame, what the interaction reveals about one or both speakers, and explore what (if anything) could have been done to produce more favorable results
- 2) As a reminder, below are the 4 questions you must respond to in order to get full credit for this assignment.After close reading of Susan Glaspell’s Trifles, please answer the following questions:
- What is the theme of this play?
- Identify one area of foreshadowing.
- Identify one area of symbolism. Why is it important?
- How does Glaspell represent the world of men vs. women? How does she portray them as a whole https://www.doanestuart.org/wp-content/uploads/201…