Taylor University Different Types of Criminal Behavior Discussion Paper
six very general types of criminal behavior: Power Reassurance, Power Assertive, Anger Retaliatory, Sadistic, Opportunistic, and Profit Oriented. Research the internet to find a court case (or newpaper website article) of crimes that fit into one of the six categories. For this assignment, you need to provide at least three(3) of the six categories.
Use the folowing submission format (MS Word):
1. Title Page (Standard APA format)
2. Criminal Bahavior name #1
List behavior type (eg. Power Reassurance)
Define bahaviour (1-2 sentences)
Court Case or News article URL Link (must be valide)
Explain how case/crime falls into this category
- 3. Criminal Bahavior name #2
- List behavior type (eg. Power Reassurance)
- Define bahaviour (1-2 sentences)
- Court Case or News article URL Link (must be valide)
Explain how case/crime falls into this category
4. Criminal Bahavior name #3
- List behavior type (eg. Power Reassurance)
- Define bahaviour (1-2 sentences)
- Court Case or News article URL Link (must be valide)
- Explain how case/crime falls into this category