HIST 337 UMD Vietnam and the Colonial Condition of French Literature Book Review
This is the write up of our research on the book.
Summarize your findings from Week 3 into a 500-word (or more) analysis of the book.
Write this part as you would a book review by summarizing the most important issues addressed in the book. What follows can guide you towards a more sophisticated analysis of a the monograph/biography.[1]
To complete this assignment, write up your assessment of the book.
Paragraph 1 – Introduce the essential topics and findings.
Establish the historical details provided by your book, when, where, who, what was done?
Paragraph 2 – Answer the following questions regarding your book.
1.1 Establish the identities of the historical actors in your book.
1.2 Establish the historical problem addressed by this book.
1.3 How and in what ways did the author’s incorporation of primary sources create an original and authoritative argument?
1.4 Did the author make a convincing argument?
Paragraph 3 – Write a comparative analysis – Reflect on the book reviews and abstracts.
Compare and contrast your analysis of the book with the selected book reviews written by professional historians.
2.1. Did the reviewers mostly summarize the book, or did he/she/ evaluate it critically?
2.2 Did the reviewers agree with the author’s interpretation? Why or why not?
2.3 Did the reviewers have criticisms? What were the criticisms?
2.4 Did you agree or disagree with the reviewer’s criticisms if any, germane or peripheral to the author’s arguments?
Paragraph 4 – Draw conclusions
3.1 Why and how is this book valuable for understanding Europe in World during the Twentieth Century?
Grammar and Style Pointers
Type the book title on the first line of text and center it at the top of the page.
Italicize all titles of books, journals, and newspapers.
Examine how other scholars have written their book reviews.
See the style sheet for further instructions.
Indent the first line of every paragraph by five spaces, by following formatting instructions above, or by using the TAB key on the keyboard.
Double-space between all sentences in the paragraph except for block quotes.
Place one space at the end of each sentence after the period.
Use a capital letter to begin every sentence.
Use a capital letter to begin every quote.
Submit to Assignment Folder – BR 4 – Step 4 XXX.
[1] “Monograph, n. 1. a. Originally, in Botany and Zoology: a separate treatise on a single species, genus, or larger group of plants or animals. Later more widely: a detailed written study of a single specialized topic (distinguished from general studies in which the topic is dealt with as part of a wider subject).” Oxford English Dictionary, Online.
Biography, n. 1. A written account of the life of an individual, esp. a historical or public figure; (also) a brief profile of a person’s life or work. Later more generally: a themed narrative history of a specific subject in any of various written, recorded, or visual media. Oxford English Dictionary, Online.