HUM 1502 Description and Evaluation of Cultural Works Discussion Paper
Pick the topics for each set of your two reports from the four categories described below,
which are listed A through D. For each set of reports, you must pick from two different
categories. For instance, you may not submit two reports from category A (music) when
submitting your first two reports; if one of your reports in that first set is from category A,
the other must be from either category B, C, or D.
Content for Your Cultural Experience Reports:
Complete the following in the following order:
1. Type a title for your paper, your name, your class number and time, your professor’s
name, and the number of words in your paper in the upper right-hand margin of the first
page of your paper.
2. At the top of your page, under your name and above the text of your report, write the title
(artist and work) of the two works you experienced. Provide as full a citation as possible
for each work, noting where it is located, when it was made, who published or exhibited
it, etc. You may use MLA or APA style if you wish.
3. Writing entirely in your own words, describe and evaluate the two works you
experienced. In your descriptions, represent in detail, using the expert language
appropriate to the medium you are experiencing, the content of what you read/heard/saw,
etc. Include titles of works, subjects, colors, instrumentation, ideas, language, style, etc. If
describing a novel, play, film, or opera, do not merely summarize the plot. Describe the
whole experience of seeing live theater, reading a long novel, watching a classic film, or
viewing an entire opera. What was it like to do that? How did the audience react? What
qualities of the old film or opera that you watched stand out? The point of this section of
the report is for you to give your reader as vivid a description as possible of the cultural
experience you had. Use colorful language. Have fun with the description.
4. Write each evaluation in a separate paragraph immediately after the description (thus
your portfolio should be organized as follows: description 1, evaluation 1, description 2,
evaluation 2.). In your evaluation discuss in depth what this cultural experience means to
you. What did you learn? Did you like it? Why or why not? What did you get out of it?
What questions do you have about it? What do you want to know more about it? Is it like
other works of culture you have experienced? (cont. on next page)
5. After the above two reports write one more, final paragraph in which you compare and
contrast your two cultural experiences and discuss what they have taught you about
culture and values, the world and yourself.
• Length: minimum of five fully developed paragraphs, maximum of ten fully developed
paragraphs (700 – 1500 words).
• Format: typed, double-spaced, with 1” margins, 12 pt. Times font, left aligned.
• Type your name, your class number, your professor’s name, the number of words in your
paper, and the name of your culture experience (title of novel, name of architectural
movement, name of artist, etc.) in the upper right-hand side of the first page of your
• Clarity: grammar, punctuation, mechanics, style, and organization count. You are
responsible for writing a thoughtful and well-organized assignment composed in
Standard American English.
• Construct properly focused paragraphs. Proofread carefully.
• Do not plagiarize; do not copy text from websites.
• Upload a file (MS Word format) containing the full, properly formatted text of your
paper to the assignment dropbox in Desire2Learn by 11:59pm of this assignment’s
due date.
• Late portfolios will receive grade deductions of up to 10 points per day late.
Approved Topics for Cultural Experience Reports:
Category A: music
• Attend a concert at Gordon College (or elsewhere).
• Listen to a full album by an artist or artistic group.
• Listen to an hour-long show from the “New Sounds” online archive of contemporary global art music: (click on the “archive” button on the right-hand side of the page;
there are several years’ worth of shows on the archive so look at the offerings for multiple months and find
a kind of new music that interests you).
• Watch a full musical performance at (Login ID: Password: gordontheatre).
• Listen to some music linked to in the D2L readings.
• Do not simply write about one short song; write about enough in order to properly cover the range of
an artist or group’s creative output.
Category B: film/visual art/architecture
• Watch a classic film from the American Film Institute’s list of the 100 greatest films of all time:
• Visit an online gallery, study a book of pictures and essays, or view a film about a major painter, sculptor,
or other plastic artist.
• Visit an online gallery, study a book of pictures and essays, or view a film about an artistic movement, such
as Mannerism; The Rococo; Neo-Classicism; American Landscape Painting; Soviet Art; African Masks or
Tribal Art; Impressionism; Cubism; Expressionism; Futurism; Minimalism; Abstract Expressionism.
• Study a book or view a film about a major architect.
• Watch films linked to in the D2L readings.
• Do not simply write about one painting or sculpture; write about enough in order to properly cover
the range of an artist or group’s creative output.
Category C: literature/drama/philosophy/religion
• Attend a play at Gordon College.
• Watch a play at (Login ID: Password:
• Read one long poem by a single author.
• Read three short poems by a single author.
• Read a novel or two or three short stories by a single author.
• Read works of literature linked to in the D2L readings.
• Read a major section (30 or more pages) of a work of philosophy, science, political theory, theology, or
Category D: any cultural experience of your own choosing, so long as it can be classified as artistic or
• Devise your own experience. For example: visit an exhibit at an art museum or tour a monastery; visit a
house of worship for a religion other than your own; attend an artistic performance or festival; take an
architectural walking tour of Atlanta (which has many fine examples of postmodern architecture); or
surprise your professor and do something completely different, so long as it can be considered artistic or
cultural. If you are doing something from this category, check with your professor to learn whether or not
your unique experience qualifies as art or culture before you write your report.