Writing Homework Help

Duke University Uptown Funk Exercise Video Questions


Search for a pop culture exercise program (for example; hot yoga, spin, cross fit, zumba, beach body, etc.) or a sport specific drill/practice session. Choose one specific class/practice video and evaluate 5-10 minutes in the middle of the class/practice .

A.Link the video into the forum. Describe the video, and identify and define the class/practice participants’ demographic range.

B.Evaluate the video segment by listing and answering AFAA’s 5 Question

  1. What is the purpose of the exercise?
  2. Are you doing that effectively?
  3. Does the exercise create any safety concerns?
  4. Can you maintain proper alignment and form for the duration of the exercise?
  5. For whom is the exercise appropriate or inappropriate?
  6. C. Do you consider this video a modern type of group fitness activity? Why or why not
  7. What type of Group Fitness Method would you classify the video: Pre-Choreographed, Pre-Designed, or Freestyle? What are the benefits of being in that classification?