University of Hawaii at Manoa LiExperience Dataset Descriptive Analysis
Part 1: For your first homework assignment, please provide descriptive information (Level of Measurement, Appropriate Measure or Measures of Central Tendency, and Appropriate Measure or Measures of Variability) from the LiExperience Dataset for all variables.
Give a summary paragraph that explains the population in the sample.
Part 2: Build and describe (in statistical terms that your manager can understand) a 95% confidence interval for the population average, µ, for “Do you watch local TV News” and “Household income.”
Executive Summary
After providing the descriptive and confidence interval information, please write a paragraph summarizing your findings. Can you find any insight into the sample? What might be some important insights or takeaways you’d want the marketing team creating their strategy to know about this group? A sample memo follows on the next page. Note that the memo is based on a different data set.