Writing Homework Help

ASU As You Like It Review Essay


Pick three words you think are key in understanding either Merry Wives or As You Like It. Two of your words should be content words (nouns, adjectives, verbs), and one should be a function word (pronouns, articles, prepositions). Write about the words to show how they function in play.

Here is an example of this done for five words in Hamlet: http://globetoglobehamlet.tumblr.com/post/84210842638/hamlet-in-five-words-by-jonathan-hope-michael (Links to an external site.)

(1000 words maximum)

You will be assessed on:

  • careful choice of words that is accurate in terms of identifying their grammatical function, and gives you a range of approaches to the play
  • use of digital and other tools if appropriate (for example, Oxford English Dictionary, Early Print, EEBO)