EPC 430 CSUN Development and Learning Theories Discussion
What’s in a Theory?
The readings and media from Bredekamp Chapter 4 and The Center on The Developing Child, illustrated the intersection between neuroscience, research, theories about development and learning, and teaching practices; and how each informs the other. Science provides a window for viewing early brain development, the theory provides the guideposts for understanding development and learning. Research demonstrates whether or not a theory holds up under closer examination. The practice is the action of implementing the beliefs and paradigms derived from theory and research – and show us if they work in the “real world”.
You have likely come across discussions about the merit or value of one theory over another as being the “ONE” theory that explains it all. Or an individual might say, “_______ theorist is my favorite, and therefore, I base my teaching activities on him or her”. “I am a Piagetian based teacher” or “I only use Vygotsky in my teaching”. While these statements are simplified, they illustrate the point that sometimes we fall into the trap of either-or thinking vs the both and thinking described in your text.
Why is it impossible to argue that one theorist’s explanation of development and learning is more valuable or relevant than another? Think about how each of the theorists emphasizes different aspects of development. (All theorists not just Piaget and Vygotsky). Why is it important for early childhood educators, school counselors, therapists, or anyone who works with children and families to understand the effects of trauma on early brain development?