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MET 112 University of California Environmental Science Exercises


Class activity on climate feedback.

1. Please point out examples in the figure below for:
(a) Trend
(b) Oscillation
(c) Random variations
(d) Jump

Where do you see their combinations?

CA_21_climate feedback.png

2. If you were to break up the data, what are the trends over the following time periods
(1) 1880-1920; (2) 1920-1940 and (3) 1970-2000

3. What is a positive feedback? What is a negative feedback?

4. What is the sequence of feedback for “ice-albedo feedback” under a warming climate?

5. What is the sequence of feedback for “water vapor feedback” under a cooling climate?

6. For cloud feedback, which cloud type has a positive feedback, and why is that?