Values and Social Policy Discussion
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need guidance to help me learn.
1. Values and Social Policy
Social policy is value-driven. Identify two values undergirding government policy in the past and compare and contrast these to values expressed in the current NASW Code of Ethics. Share your two personal values and how they align or conflict with those of the profession. Do you see these values interfering with the performance of your work as a social worker? Why or why not?
2. Impact of the Elizabethan Poor Laws on Current Social Welfare Policy
How are the Elizabethan Poor? Laws, though extinct, still influencing c?urrent social welfare policies? How do economic considerations come into play? Use the NASW Code of Ethics Web page to challenge the premises of the Poor Laws.
3.American Nativism
Although the early settlers migrated to this country, the influx of immigrants is often seen as threatening. Explain what fueled this sentiment then and fuels it now. What was the anti-immigrant rhetoric then, and what is it now? Refer to readings and media as well as any outside research. How does the NASW advocate for and support the rights of these populations? (Refer to NASW-NY’s Currents: Special Issue on Immigration and other NASW resources as needed.)