Humanities Homework Help

GC Sleep and Consciousness Discussion


Sleep and Consciousness

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You need to sleep to be Conscious..  (Links to an external site.)and the book proves it (well sort of). 

How many hours of sleep do you get?

Take this Survey – and share the results with the class.   (Links to an external site.)

This video about sleep  really talks about the AMOUNT and WHEN you sleep –  (Links to an external site.)

This video is more about the Cognitive aspects of a nights sleep (Links to an external site.) 

This is about Drugs and Music (Links to an external site.)

Without Overshare – describe a dream you have had more then one time.. 

Without summarizing the videos – can you relate the main point to the chapter material for each one?

I want you to pay attention to the aspects

1) Drugs and Consciousness

2)Nostalgia – connection of emotion

3) How does your memory alter Consciousness.. 

Video Reactions

Please watch the 4 videos in the modules and write a reaction here – Be honest in your responses –

The Connectom (Links to an external site.)

The Reason for our brains (Links to an external site.)

The way to study the brain (Links to an external site.)

How to map the brain

Post what questions NOW have about the brain.