Iowa State University Innovation in Virtual Reality Gaming Business Plan
you are required to write the business plan of a new venture based on a product or service innovation (either independently from scratch or as a new venture within an established organization). The business plan should include a discovery-driven plan, time of entry analysis, innovation strategy, collaboration strategy, deployment strategy, potential problem analysis, and main recommendations to ensure a successful innovation performance. These topics are covered with video lectures throughout the semester.
The use of articles can help to analyze and to elaborate on the main elements of the innovation and the recommendations for the innovation performance of a firm. Firm’s cases, annual reports, and websites can be useful information sources but should not be the basis of any project and should not be used as substitutes for the main text. Select articles from well-known, prestigious publications (e.g., The Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Fortune, Bloomberg Business Week, Financial Times, Academy of Management Perspectives, Harvard Business Review, among others). Blogs and unknown websites are unacceptable.
Project requirements
Students need to send the instructor an email with a carbon copy (i.e., cc) to all members of the group requesting authorization of the innovation and new venture to be analyzed (as well as of the firm, in the case of a new venture within an established organization). Firms of the 6 textbook cases analyzed during the semester cannot be chosen for this project.
Executive Summary
The executive summary condenses the main findings, conclusions, and recommendations of the main document in the same order as they appear in the text of the paper. Every topic or theme developed in the project should be mentioned in the executive summary (i.e., discovery-driven plan, time of entry analysis; innovation, collaboration, and deployment strategies, potential problem analysis, and recommendations). Students should remember that many times, the executive summary will be all the reader (typically, your boss or supervisor) will review; therefore, it needs to guide the reader to the relevant points efficiently. When a finding or a conclusion is interesting, some people go to the main text for clarification. The executive summary will appear before the main paper.
Discovery-driven plan, time of entry analysis; innovation, collaboration, and deployment strategies, potential problem analysis
For each topic, use the tools and frameworks as explained in the textbook, lectures, and the readings assigned for each one. Besides the half-page explanation, include a table, graph, or figure with bullet points at the end of the project.
Innovation performance analysis & recommendations
Based on the concepts learned in class throughout the semester, analyze your innovation, the competitive position of the venture, and make recommendations to ensure a successful venture. For this section, you are encouraged to use concepts from several chapters so that you provide a comprehensive recommendation. Make sure to be specific and avoid vague, general, keep-doing-the-same type of recommendations. gaming Virtual reality systems in 2020 (competitors) virtual reality gaming companies to look out for Shared Virtual Reality Gaming Experiences in Local Multi-platform Game
Here are some articles that I found in regard to virtual reality gaming. Please feel free to add more or take some away. These articles should highlight the competitors we will face and how we would be able to find our segment in the market.