Writing Homework Help

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Please Migration In Brazil Paper


Please complete the Padlet below.

Here are some helpful websites for identifying migration flows:

Migration data portal (Links to an external site.)

World Bank Dat (Links to an external site.)a


  • Pick a region to explore migration patterns
    • Identify your region on the padlet map by placing a “pin” on your region (NOTE: you may have to zoom out to see the entire map. The “zoom” function is on the bottom right hand corner of the screen
  • After you have placed your pin, please answer the following questions directly in your Padlet textbox
    • WHO is migrating here?
    • What are the demographics of the people migrating?
    • What are some pull factors?
    • What are some push factors?

After submitting your Padlet, please click the “submit assignment” button in this Canvas assignment and in the textbox write “I have completed the Padlet Assignment”

Please look at the pin on Iceland for an example of how to complete the assignment
