Grossmont College Objects for Life Discussion
I’m working on a astronomy discussion question and need a reference to help me learn.
Consider the following discussions and write a minimum 3 sentence response to each question by Wednesday 9/22 at 11:59 P.M.
Pick one of these objects for discussion (Moon, Mars, Europa, Enceladus, Triton, Titan, Ultima Thule, Ceres, Proxima Centauri b) and answer the following questions and statements:
- What is your definition of life? Feel free to give examples.
- Discuss at least 3 pros and 3 cons of exploring your chosen object for life.
- Based on your analysis, do you think life will be found on your chosen object in the future? If you believe that life will be found on your object, describe the type of life that you think will be found on your object. If you don’t believe that life will be found on your object, then which other object in the above list will scientists find life on first?
- According to the NASA Exoplanet Archive, there have been over 4000 exoplanets found. Suppose Planet A is a super Earth (terrestrial planet around 5 times bigger than the Earth) that orbits at 0.5 AUs away from its star (assume the star is half the size of the Sun) and Planet B is the same size as Earth but is located at 2 AUs away from its star (assume the star is twice the size of the Sun)…which planet do you think is most likely to have life (Planet A, Planet B, both, or neither)? Why?