Lab report on Lab 1: Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Lab, Lab Safety
Lab report on Lab 1: Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Lab, Lab Safety
Pre Lab |
Lab Safety Module |
Lab Procedure |
Lab Safety, SDS, Lab Notebook, Literature Searches |
Chem Collective Virtual Lab HTML5 Video, Google Drive Notebook Set-up |
Post Lab |
Lab Safety Contract |
Scientific Method Virtual Lab (Links to an external site.)
1. Students will be able to learn the CHemCollective platform.
2. Students will apply the scientific method (Links to an external site.) to solve a problem.
3. Students will be able to locate the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) (Links to an external site.) for all materials and chemicals in the laboratory.
4. Students will be able to identify the properties and handling of materials and chemicals in the lab.
Click on the video below for the guide to the ChemCollective Virtual Lab platform.
PreLab: [5 points]
Answer the following questions.
1. What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis?
2. What characteristics do you use to quickly identify something that you are familiar with?
3. What are the steps in the scientific method?
Scientific Method Virtual Lab (Links to an external site.)
During this lab, you will:
1. List all solutions and provide a pdf of the SDS for each.
2. Use the steps in the scientific method.
3. Provide the step by step procedure you plan to use.
4. Provide a discussion about what you learned and the rationale for your method.