The Art Story & Shelle Lowell Rediscovery 1973 Question
- Gordon Chang, “Emerging from the Shadows: The Visual Arts and Asian American History” (Links to an external site.)
- Nato Thompson, “Seeing Power” Chapter 5 from Seeing Power: Art and Activism in the 21st Century
- Nato Thompson, “Fear Machines” Chapter 4 from Culture as a Weapon: The Art of Influence in Everyday Life
- “Feminist Art” (Links to an external site.) at the Art Story (Links to an external site.) . Specifically, read:
- The Main Page (Links to an external site.)
- The History and Concepts Page (Links to an external site.)
- Also note that the Artworks(Links to an external site.)page is assigned as part of this week’s art page.
Here is this week’s art. This week we begin to increase the amount of assigned art and also to allow you more leeway in the selection of art you’d like to comment on in the Discussion Board.
WARNING: In Weeks 4 and 5 the amount of art each week will increase. And you will find that art on pages that include additional background reading.
For Week 3, view the following lectures. You need not view these lectures prior to the Midterm; however, Lecture 6 might be useful for the Midterm. Lecture 7 was the one on Impeachment and is included in the Block 2 Live Session. Thus, in this Block we go from Lec 6 to Lec 8.
- LECTURE10: Art and Activism (Links to an external site.) (67 minutes)
- This lecture builds from the .pdf by Chang. Read it prior to watching the video.
- This lecture also plays with the ideas focused on in Elsewhere in America. At least read the Introduction before you view the lecture.
- LECTURE 11: Feminism, Art, and Activism (Links to an external site.)
- VIDEO: watch each of the linked videos below and treat them as lectures. The goal in having you view them is to make you think about how to look at art. What mindset should you have? What cultural values can be deduced just by looking at something? The quiz will include questions from the videos.