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Colombia University Creative Brief and Pitch



2. Creative Brief and Pitch (50%)

Individually, a) create a creative brief for a client and b) develop a recorded video presentation to pitch the brief to the client.

Requirements: 4-page creative brief  (30%)  AND  5-minute  pitch (20%). The creative brief and recorded pitch presentation should be submitted to Blackboard—through separate links.


The brief is for a new campaign – either a fictional new product launch that you can come up with, or the re-advertising of a di?erent product (e.g. to change perceptions). The campaign needs to be significantly di?erent from the company’s previous ones, particularly if an ex- isting product is advertised or re-launched

AGer selecting a client, prepare a creative brief for them. You can think of this as if you are trying to win the company’s creative advertising business for an upcoming campaign —the brief gives an overview of your planned decisions if they were to hire you.

The presentation should be thought of as if you are pitching the idea to the client. The pitch should be based on the creative brief so no new client, target audience, strategy or other information should be intro- duced in the pitch. The pitch presentation should be pre-recorded and uploaded to Blackboard as a video.



Creative Brief Requirements

Requirements: 4 pages (does not include +/- 10%), 12pt font, con- sistent font style, 1.5 line spacing, 2.54cm margins, title/cover page (not included in page count), consistent referencing style (in-text and reference list), professional format/layout. The creative brief should be submi†ed to Blackboard—through the Blackboard AND Turnitin links.

Report Sections:

Cover/Title page

1. Client Background

2. Campaign Objectives

3. Target Audience

4. Message

5. Creative Strategy

6. Media Strategy

7. Budget and Scheduling Considerations

8. Other Considerations References

Appendices (if any)

Notes: if references and appendices are used, the reference list and appendices are NOT included in the page count. The title/cover page is also NOT included in the page count. All other content is included in the page count.



Creative Brief Requirements [Continued]

1. Client Background (3 marks)

This section should include:

a) Discussion of relevant key client background information*

b) Identification of the product/service that will be advertised in the


c) Brief discussion of the existing advertising and media strategies of the client (if any)

* Remember, the brief is being designed for the client, so information that would be relevant to them should be included.

2. Campaign Objectives (3 marks)

This section should include.

a) Statement of the SMART(T) objectives of the campaign*

b) Brief discussion of what the campaign will involved

c) Fit of the objectives with the client and product/service being advertised

* One to two well thought out objectives will be su?cient

3. Target Audience (4 marks)

This section should include:

a) Identification and brief discussion of the target audience

b) Fit of target audience with goals and objectives

c) Brief discussion of key consumer insights*

* Some brief research will be needed for this. The insights included should be ones that will help make the campaign decisions.



Creative Brief Requirements [Continued]

4. Message (4.5 marks)

This section should include:

a) The message statement (using the framework)

b) Identification and brief discussion of the proposed key message that will be communicated

c) Identification and brief discussion of the type of message strategy

d) Justification of choices based on course learning

5. Creative Strategy (5 marks)

This section should include:

a) Identification and brief discussion of the proposed type of appeal

b) Identification and brief discussion of the proposed execution tech- nique, and other creative tactics and considerations

c) Justification of choices based on course learning

6. Media Strategy (4.5 marks)

This section should include:

a) Identification and brief discussion of the medium to be selected

b) Brief discussion of appropriateness* of the medium

c) Identification and brief discussion of the vehicle(s) to be selected

d) Justification of choices based on course learning

* Weigh up the advantages and disadvantages to show why this is the most appropriate medium for the client and target audience.



Creative Brief Requirements [Continued]

7. Budgeting and scheduling considerations (2 marks)

This section should include:

a) Identification and brief discussion of the scheduling of the ad on

the vehicle(s)

b) Brief discussion of reach and frequency for the ad

c) Identification of and brief discussion of budgetary considerations *

*This section does not need any calculations. It should be a proposal of the budgetary decisions that will need to be considered during the campaign.

8. Other Considerations (2 marks)

This section should include:

a) Brief details of any other considerations* that need to be taken in- to account.

* At least one other well thought out consideration. This does not need to be based on course learning.

Presentation, referencing and structure (2 marks)

The report adheres to the 4 page maximum and follows presentation, structure and referencing standards.