Oakton Community College Poetic Devices Discussion
This site offers excellent definitions and examples of major poetic devices used in the literature we will be studying for the class. Please consult specifically the definitions and examples of
1. Synecdoche
2. Metonymy (very similar, but rather than using a part of something to refer to the whole, it often substitutes a related concept for the intended referrent.
3. Metaphor
4. Personification
Then, reread the Andres Bello poetry( Attached) and within in the first few pages you should find clear examples of each of these devices. In this discussion, I would like you to list two examples of each device from the poetry, explain why you feel they “fit the definition,” and comment on how they fit with the overall objective of the poems. Remember, Bello has employed a very romantic style, meaning not that he is sappy and lovey-dovey, but that he believes wholeheartedly in the independent spirit, liberalism, the freedom of man, and the ability of poetry to capture this idealist vision. We witness a devout faith in poetry, man, and the future. This does NOT correspond to the quotations earlier studied from Lihn and Adorno regarding the alienation and contradiction of poetic expression. No, Bello has a singleness and deliberateness of objective and vision.