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Cuyahoga Community College Basic Habit Change Questions


Basic Habit Change: Step 5: Try a Coach

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Who did you use as your Coach ? What lead you to pick this person or persons ?

How did you explain what the project was all about ?

How Did Things Go ?

What did they do to keep you accountable ?

What did they do to encourage you ? cheer you up ? motivate you ?

What did they do to reward you ?

Did they join in and change a habit too ? Or maybe think about it at least ?


Was their input helpful ?

Was there anything they could have done which would have been more helpful ?

Basic Habit Change: Step 6: Summary & Analysis

77 unread replies.88 replies.

Now it’s time to look over your progress and your challenges. How did you do overall ?

Were there any particular barriers you faced ?

How did you address those ?

What part of the protocol was most helpful to you in changing the habit ?

What part of the protocol was most motivating in sticking with the project ?

Did you get discouraged at any point ?

How did having a coach help ? Was it essential for you or just nice ?Or was it not a major factor, even annoying ? Remember everyone is different in how they learn and change best.

How close did you come to your goal ? How can you reach it if you did not yet ?

How can you keep this new health habit going ?

What pitfalls do you see ahead and how can you cope with them ?

How do you feel at this point, after trying a basic change protocol ? Any insights ?