UNCW Development of Government Anchor Chart
Help me study for my Education & Teaching class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.
For this module activity you will create an anchor chart (graphical organizer) using a free web-based tool. Easel.ly and Canva) are two great options. So, what is an anchor chart? By definition an anchor is an object used to hold something firmly in place. In academia, an anchor chart highlights important parts of lessons and can also display student work, and it is ‘anchored’ within the classroom. You will be creating an anchor chart that highlights key concepts of content. Anchor charts are something that is displayed in the classroom, they have a single focus, and they support ongoing learning. Through an academic year, it is best practice to create several anchor charts and involve your students in the process as well – this allows for students to feel ownership within the classroom. An anchor chart includes information that students need to remember and they can use as a reference. It can also be referred to as a graphical organizer.
Anchor charts can be used to…
- Define concepts, terms, or strategies
- Review processes, strategies, or operations
- Identify or summarize procedures or sequences
- Problem solve
- Predict connections between new and learned content
- Reflect on what has been accomplished/learned
There are two components to this assignment and they are detailed below.
Part 1 – Creation of a Content Relevant Anchor Chart
You may use one of the pre-created templates within Easel.ly or Canva as your starting point for your anchor chart. Identify the content and key concepts from an academic standard in your grade level. You may use the same standard for this activity and your Standards Assignment within this module. You will need a specific NC standard written somewhere on your anchor chart so that I can measure the relevance of the anchor chart to your standard. All North Carolina Content Standards can be found here: http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/. (Links to an external site.)I do understand that the newly revised NCDPI website isn’t the most intuitive to follow. I will demonstrate in the weekly Zoom recordings how to get to the content standards.
Part 2 – Purpose/Need
Write a 1-2 paragraph narrative that addresses the following questions:
- Q. 1: How and why will my anchor chart be relevant to students? Discuss the content and its relationship to student knowledge and skills. Discuss the pedagogy of graphical organizers and student retention.
- Q. 2: In terms of your classroom design assignment, where you would place this particular anchor chart within your classroom design and why would you place it there. (if you have a virtual classroom, how will you display it to the students)
- There should be references to our text, course videos, and as needed, additional researched resources.
The narrative should be included in the same assignment submission as your Easel.ly PDF.
Websites: https://www.easel.ly/ or https://www.canva.com/
- Click on the link to see how to use Easel.ly: https://www.easel.ly/support/knowledge-base/how-to-use-easel-ly/
- Click on the link to view Easel.ly tutorials https://www.easel.ly/support/article-categories/videotutorials/ (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)Click on the link to see how to use Canva: https://designschool.canva.com/tutorials/
- *Professional Product refers to your assignment submission having correct grammar, correct spelling, correct punctuation, being turned in on time, etc. When writing for any assignment, refrain from using shorthand.
*APA Format Example:
In-line Citation: (Orlich et al., 2012, p. 15);
Reference: Orlich, D. C., Harder, R. J., Trevisan, M. S., Brown, A. H. & Miller, D. (2018). Teaching strategies: A guide to effective instruction. Cengage Learning.