MGU The Pretty Little Thing Online Fashion Retailer Marketing Plan
Task: Write an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for an online fashion retailer.
Write a 2000 word IMC plan for a chosen online fashion retailer, which should take account of the retailer’s target
market and competition. You should create key messages for the campaign and develop objectives based on SMART
criteria. You should include advertising and at least 2 other promotional tactics, with critical analysis and
justification of the suitability of your proposed tactics and channels. Relevant areas to cover in your discussion
include, but are not limited to:
? A very brief introduction to the concept of IMC
? Your overall IMC including the key overall message and purpose based on SMART objectives
? Advertising (what your advertisement will look like/form of your advertising, why you have chosen this
and the advantages and disadvantages of advertising)
? Chosen method 2 (what your tactic will look like, why you have chosen this and the advantages and
disadvantages of this tactic)
? Chosen method 3 (what your tactic will look like, why you have chosen this and the advantages and
disadvantages of this tactic)
? How you will measure your campaign’s success
? Ethical issues related to your campaign and how you will address them.
You need to demonstrate how your campaign is consistent across your chosen tactics. You should use images to
show what your IMC campaign will look like where appropriate.
You will be expected to show evidence of reading around the subject area from academic journals, books and
industry reports such as Mintel, Business of Fashion or Drapers. The plan should have a minimum of 20 academic
12. Recommended Reading
You are not required to purchase any textbooks for this module. The following recommended books are
available in the library:
? McIntyre, C., Melewar, T.C. & Dennis, C. (2016) Multi-Channel Marketing, Branding and Retail
Design: New Challenges and Opportunities, Emerald.
? Chaffey, D. & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019) Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice, 7th
edition, Pearson.
? Andrews, J.C. and Shimp, T. (2018) Advertising, Promotion, and other aspects of Integrated
Marketing Communications, 10th edition, Cengage.
? Fill, C. & Turnbull, S. (2019) Marketing Communications: discovery, creation and conversations, 8th
edition, Pearson.
? Goworek, H. & McGoldrick, P. (2015) Retail Marketing Management, Pearson.
? Lea-Greenwood, G. (2012) Fashion Marketing Communications, Blackwell Science.
? Clow, K.E. & Baack, D. (2016) Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing communications, 7th
edition, Pearson.
? Persuit, J. (2013) Social Media and Integrated Marketing Communication: A Rhetorical Approach,
Lexington Books.
? Poloian, L. (2009) Multi-channel Retailing, Fairchild Books.
? Jackson, T. & Shaw, D. (2009) Mastering Fashion Marketing, Palgrave Macmillan.
? Wilson, H., Street, R. And Bruce, L. (2008) The Multi-channel Challenge: integrating customer
experiences for profit, Elsevier.
? Hackley, C. (2005) Advertising and Promotion: Communicating Brands, Sage.
? Pringle, H. (2004) Celebrity Sells, Wiley, Chichester.
Websites to search for Journal Articles
Relevant journals accessible via library website:
? European Journal of Marketing
? European Retail Digest
? Harvard Business Review
? International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
? Internet Research: Electronic Networking Applications and Policy
? Journal of Advertising Research
? Journal of Brand Management
? Journal of Business Research
? Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
? Journal of Marketing
? Journal of Marketing Management
? Journal of Product and Brand Management
? Journal of Retailing
? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services