CUNY Lehman College Closing the Achievement Gap Research Paper
1. My research paper topic and/or subtopic is:
Closing the Achievement Gap
2. My specific social/educational problem (which I believe needs to be addressed) is? (Note: this is not the solution…that will come after you do your research)
Inequality of opportunity for minority students in lower SES due to educational inequality and cultural discontinuity in schools.
3. Possible benefits of addressing this social/educational problem might be…
Increasing equality of opportunity, creating more diverse professional workplaces, decreasing financial burdens of minorities for generations to come.
Write a research report on the topic and sub-topic chosen
The Final Position Paper will meet the following criteria (see rubric below):
(Note: the Focus questions are just guides for your writing, you are not supposed to write them down and answer them specifically. Weave answers into your essay thoughtfully)