SU Higher Praise Impact Missionary Ministries Worldwide Video Response
Higher Praise Impact Missionary Ministries Worldwide received its 501(c)(3) status on May 1, 2019, however I started out slow. The ministry did feed some of the homeless in Hudson County during the summer of 2019, but then COVID-19 happened. I wanted the ministry to do more during the shutdown, but I couldn’t get anyone on board to help feed the homeless. Everyone I spoke with was uncomfortable with the idea feeding the homeless during the pandemic. This summer I’m looking to pick up where the ministry left off with feeding the homeless. All the other programs will be implemented as time and funding allows. Since the ministry didn’t develop a community presence in 2019-2020, I saw this as an opportunity to build the ministry as a start up since we are starting from scratch. If this is not the right idea. I definitely would love to take the time to hear your recommendations.