Central Queensland University Health Promotion of Older People Essay
Assessment 2 – Written Assessment Type: Written assessment Due date:5.00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 26 May 2021 (Week 11) Weighting: 50% Length: 2500 words plus or minus 10% (excluding references) Unit Coordinator: Ainslie Monson Learning Outcomes Assessed 2. Evaluate the suitability of a current health promotion strategy to meet the needs of older people using evidence-based research. 3. Assess a current health promotion campaign related to health ageing and devise a health promotion plan to optimise well-being in older people. Aim The aim of this assessment is to prepare you to make a high-level contribution to health promotion policy and practice for the older person throughout the health care system. Instructions You are writing a critical analysis of a health promotion strategy and related campaign aimed at older persons. Choose a targeted area such as physical activity, smoking cessation, obesity, mental health, or some other focus area requiring health promotion in the community of older persons. Assessment 2 – Written Assessment Type: Written assessment Due date:5.00pm (AEST) Wednesday, 26 May 2021 (Week 11) Weighting: 50% Length: 2500 words plus or minus 10% (excluding references) Unit Coordinator: Ainslie Monson Learning Outcomes Assessed 2. Evaluate the suitability of a current health promotion strategy to meet the needs of older people using evidence-based research. 3. Assess a current health promotion campaign related to health ageing and devise a health promotion plan to optimise well-being in older people. Aim The aim of this assessment is to prepare you to make a high-level contribution to health promotion policy and practice for the older person throughout the health care system. Instructions You are writing a critical analysis of a health promotion strategy and related campaign aimed at older persons. Choose a targeted area such as physical activity, smoking cessation, obesity, mental health, or some other focus area requiring health promotion in the community of older persons. Literature and references In this assessment use at least 15 contemporary references (<10 years) to support your discussion. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, Requirements • Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word). • Include page numbers on each page in a header. • Write in the third-person perspective. • Use formal academic language. • Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide. • The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations. Resources • You can use unit provided materials and other credible sources (e.g., journal articles, books, grey literature) to reference your argument. The quality and credibility of your sources are important. • We recommend that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Nursing and Midwifery Guide; Social Work and Community Services Guide.